The Central Information Portal and Information System for Research, Development and Innovation (CIP RDI) provides information related to state support and subsidies for science, the relevant official documents, selected statistical data, implementation of EU legislation, international scientific collaboration, outputs of those R&D projects that are partially or entirely funded from public resources and have social and economic impacts. The Portal also serves as a tool for the efficient organisation and administration of the “Science and Society” in Slovakia agenda and evaluation of the countrywide and regional potential for research, development and innovation. 

data in the Portal database amassed since 2000:

l               current calls for R&D projects

l               over 700 R&D organisations recognised

l               6,500 projects characterised

l               data on almost 1,200 experts in all fields of science available

l               over 3,000 laboratories and research equipment characterised 

l               competence of organisations for R&D evaluated

In 2011, transformation of CIP RDI to a modern retrieval information system SK CRIS (Slovak Current Research Information System) began; this will be fully operational by the end of 2012.



Danica Zendulková (Head of Department)
National Centre for the Popularisation of S&T in Society
Department of Administration and Operation of Portal 
Tel.: + 421 2 69 253 133
Mobile: 0918 976 304
E-mail: danica.zendulkova(at)

Posledný update stránky: 2021-09-24 10:14