
Are one of the chief vehicles for the promotion of science and technology in Slovakia. They are organised as interactive and educational exhibitions on science and technology and are intended for a broad spectrum of viewers, from pre-school aged children up to the informed public.

Exhibitions are devoted to various categories of science and technology and the displays are changed several times a year. Often the exhibitions are organised in collaboration with research institutes, universities, institutes of the Slovak Academy of Science and partners from abroad.

Recent most attractive exhibitions:

In March 2011 Kaleidoscope – Scientific Toy, an interactive exhibition was held which was intended especially for pupils of the 1st level of elementary school, pre-school children and families with children. The exhibition was an original display of toys, mainly kaleidoscopes, puzzles and simple physical experiments for little ones, as well as the not so small. Through games and toys, visitors could uncover, see, learn, and understand some secrets of science and technology.

The Intellectual Property and Design-Crossroads of Talents at the Academy of Arts in Practice exhibition was held from 27th February to 5th April 2012. The exhibition was organised within the framework of the national project “National Infrastructure Supporting Technology Transfer in Slovakia – NITT SK” in collaboration with the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava. The exhibition was aimed at displaying works by students at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava and through these displays to emphasise the importance of intellectual property protection. The exhibits were new and innovative ideas in industrial design materialised as more effective products and equipment for everyday use.

An exhibition Jozef Murgaš – Past and Current Communication from the cycle Respected Individuals in Slovak Science dedicated to the inventor Jozef Murgaš was open to the public from 6th June to 9th September 2012. The exhibition was organised within the framework of the national project “National Infrastructure Supporting Technology Transfer in Slovakia – NITT SK.” The goal of the exhibition was to draw attention to the successes of the famous Slovak inventor and also to the period in the development of communication technologies from the inventive idea through proof-of-concept communication devices down to the latest cell phones.

Posledný update stránky: 2012-11-07 14:24