Prevencia - ročník 2011 /EN

Content 4/2011

Theoretical articles

  • PaedDr. Mgr. Pavol Tománek, PhD.: Negative influences on contemporary family education and their prevention

Survey, research and analysis articles

  • RNDr. Mária Slovíková, CSc., Mgr. Margita Brandisová : Preventive program „The JOURNEY towards emotional maturity“ in the school year 2010/2011
  • PaedDr. Lucia Ficová, PhD.: Opinions of class teachers on truancy
  • Mgr. Petra Šebestová: Some specifics of delinquency among boys and girls – inspiration for preventive programs against youth criminality
  • RNDr. Mária Slovíková, CSc. : Problem behaviour of pupils in the primary schools
  • PhDr. Michaela Matisová: Negative impacts of media and technical resources upon children and youth
  • PhDr. Mário Dulovics: Risk behaviour of the secondary school pupils in relation to the mobile phones 
  • Mgr. Marcela Bieliková: Infrigement of human rights in school environment

Labour-methodical contributions

  • Doc. PhDr. Albín Škoviera, PhD.: Drama-therapy as a program component of the    socio-therapeutic  clubs

Informative articles

  • Mgr. Jana Bírová: Social-psychological training in the method of brief intervention in drug addictions dasf

Content 3/2011

Teoretické články

  • Dott. Lívia Kvašná: Úloha pedagóga pri určovaní diagnózy ADHD a pri interdisciplinárnej starostlivosti o dieťa s ADHD


 Články z prieskumu, výskumu a analýzy

  • Mgr. Petr Pivoda: Výchova a vzdelávaní nadaného žáka na základní škole
  • RNDr. Mária Slovíková, CSc., Mgr. Marcela Bieliková,:  Aktivity základných škôl v oblasti ľudských práv
  • PaedDr. Barbora Kováčová, PhD. : Prejavy skrytej agresie v školskej triede
  • PhDr. Katarína Bradová:  Vplyv rodinného prostredia na vznik záškoláctva u žiakov stredných škôl
  • Mgr. Ivana Prešinská: Raná skúsenosť a predispozícia k psychopatológii:  Úzkostná vzťahová väzba a detské fóbie
  • PhDr. Marianna Pétiová, PhD.: Konzumácia legálnych a nelegálnych drog u mladých ľudí vo vzťahu ku kraju SR
  • PhDr. Petra Bőhmová:  Prevencia užívania drog a drogovej závislosti u žiakov základných a stredných škôl v Banskobystrickom kraji
  • PhDr. Dana Rosová:  Prevencia drogových závislostí v rómskej komunite



  •  Ing. Ladislav Šatka:  POTRAIN - Medzinárodný projekt



  • Albín Škoviera: Prevýchova. Úvod do teórie a praxe, Bratislava: FICE, Národná sekcia v SR, 2011, 133 s., ISBN 978-80-969-2534-6 (PaedDr. Milan Pukančík  PhD.)

Content 2/2011

Theoretical articles

Prof. Miron Zelina DrSc :  Problems with problems in behaviour of children and youth

Hološová, Ivka, PaedDr.: Place of the family in socio-pathological phenomena prevention


Survey, research and analysis articles

  • Mgr. Marcela Bieliková, RNDr. Mária Slovíková, CSc.: Pupils’ self-management at the primary schools from the point of view of the school-master
  • Mgr. Gabriela Leskovjanská PhD.: Operation mode of peer activists in the prevention of substance and non-substance dependencies in the primary schools.
  • Mgr. Michal Chovanec: Sexual behaviour of the secondary schools students – selected results
  • RNDr. Mária Slovíková CSc.: Prevention in the terms and conditions of the Centres for educational – psychological counselling and prevention.
  • Mgr. Martina Slovíková.: Reasons for an entry of clients (children/pupils) into the Centres for educational – psychological counselling and prevention.




  • EXPOPROGRAM -   Intervention program  for the group work with children and youth  (Prof.  Miron Zelina DrSc) 
  • Máire Messenger Davies: Children, Media and Culture. Open University Press and Two Penn Plaza. 2010. 236 s ISBN - 13:  978-033522920-8  (Mgr. Petra Janeková)

Content 1/2011

PREVENTION has entered into tenth year of editing...


 Survey, research and analysis articles

  1. Mgr. Marcela Bieliková, RNDr. Mária Slovíková, CSc.: Education in human rights as seen by secondary school pupils
  2. Doc. PhDr. Ingrid Emmerová, PhD.: Teachers and aggressive behaviour of primary and secondary school pupils
  3. PhDr. Katarína Bradová: Truancy as one of the socio-pathologic phenomena existing in school environment.
  4. Mgr. Martina Slovíková.: Opinion of pupils on the preventive program Journey to emotional maturity in the school  year 2009/2010
  5. PhDr. Katarína Bohmová: Aggressive disturbances of behaviour and their prevention
  6. Mgr. Michaela Matisová: Prevention of misuse of modern technological devices and technologies


Informative articles


  1. Doc. PhDr. Eva Gajdošová CSc.: Information about the conference Promotion and protection of teachers’ health
  1. Prof. Miron Zelina DrSc.: Scientific conference on counselling
  1. PhDr. Anton Sojčák, PhDr. Štefan Matula PhD.: Career counselling in school sector and its interdisciplinary relations




  1. Text-book from the scientific conference Resilience and new approaches to upbringing and education,  Bratislava, Comenius University 2009, 153 s. ISBN 978-80-223-2729-9 (Prof. Miron Zelina, DrSc.)
Posledný update stránky: 2016-04-18 14:01