Elektronické knihy z oblasti elektroniky, elektrotechniky a počítačov

Registrovaní používatelia CVTI SR majú prístup do plných textov elektronických kníh:

Analysis of Electric Machinery and Drive Systems
At Your Service:Service-Oriented Computing from an EU Perspective
Biometrics : Theory, Methods, and Applications
Direct-Drive Robots:Theory and Practice
Electric Power System Basics: For the Nonelectrical Professional
Electromagnetic Fields
Engineering a Safer World:Systems Thinking Applied to Safety
Ethics of Computer Games
Future Was Here:The Commodore Amiga
Human Information Interaction:An Ecological Approach to Information Behavior
Intellectual Property Law for Engineers and Scientists
Internet and American Business
Internet Success:A Study of Open-Source Software Commons
Introduction to Biomedical Imaging
Introduction to Magnetic Materials
IP Address Management Principles and Practice
Machine Learning in Non-Stationary Environments:Introduction to Covariate Shift Adaptation
Metabolism of the Anthroposphere:Analysis, Evaluation, Design
Networked:The New Social Operating System
Nonvolatile Memory Technologies with Emphasis on Flash: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Using Flash Memory Devices
Soar Cognitive Architecture
Tomorrow's Energy:Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, and the Prospects for a Cleaner Planet
Transforming Global Information and Communication Markets:The Political Economy of Innovation
Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters
Voice in the Machine:Building Computers That Understand Speech 

Uvedené tituly nájdete v databáze IEEE/IET Electronic Library do 24. 11. 2013 tu.

Posledný update stránky: 2013-11-15 10:16